New Commands and a New Covenant
As always, feel free to answer these questions in the comments (especially the "Digging Deeper" ones) and share any thoughts you might have about the "Personal Action." Or, let us know if YOU have a question!
1. How were the people to prepare themselves to meet with God?
2. What does this story of the giving of these new commands tell you about the character of God?
3. What was the purpose of the Ten Commandments?
4. How can God be both the merciful forgiver of sin and the punisher of the guilty?
5. The Israelites became impatient and finally made a golden idol in the shape of a calf for themselves. What are some false gods/idols in our society today?
6. The Lord spoke to Moses "as one speaks to a friend." What steps can you take to gain a deeper understanding of who God is?
Think about the Israelites creating the golden calf idol as "Mad Cow Disease." It's an example of people trying to invent their own religion and to create God in their own way. How do people still do this today and how are the results just as disastrous?
God promised that his presence would be with the people and they would stand out in the world because of it. This is still true today. What are some ways Christians SHOULD stand out? What is one way YOU stand out ... or maybe should stand out?
Read Matthew 5:17-48 where Jesus talks about the 10 Commandments in the Sermon on the Mount. Does he contradict them? Help them explain them? Do you read them differently now? This week, think about how these "rules" actually bring life and hope.
This is a safe place to be able to share questions and fears and doubts. You can post using your name or not, whichever you prefer. And if you choose to respond to someone's comment, please be gentle with your words.
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