Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Reflection: Chapter 2 ... SOVEREIGN

Have you ever wanted something (or someone) so much that you were willing to go to crazy lengths to get what/who you wanted?

If so, you're not alone. Let me introduce you to Abraham and Sarah, an octogenarian couple who really, really wanted to have a child.

In fact, God told them they would have a child. Not only that, but also that their descendants would be as numerous as the stars in the sky. They were ecstatic. And a little bit incredulous.

But because they wanted the child so darn much, it was pretty hard to continue to believe God's promise since no child appeared on the scene. Not that day. Nor the next. Or the next. (You get the picture.)

With each passing day, as they waited for God to deliver on His promise, they got a little older and incredulous-er. Thinking Sarah's elderly body might be the problem, they took matters into their own hands to help God out. Remember last week when we talked about how God's image in us is blurry? Here's a good example--they knew that God would keep His promise but they just couldn't wait.

(If you haven't yet, read how well their Plan B worked out here HERE.  PS It didn't.) 

It turns out Sarah wasn't the problem, not really. And Abraham wasn't the problem either. SIN was the problem--impatience and envy and thinking they knew better than God.

Fortunately for them, their God--and OUR God--is sovereign.
God is in complete control.
Of everything.
Of His promises and the ways He keeps His promises.

And even when we try to help things along--or rather, HURRY things along--we will never ruin God's plan.

Complicate it, yes. But ruin it? Not in a million years.
Thank God.

QUESTIONS--feel free to leave your answers in the comment! 
Time to 'fess up: when have you tried to "help" God out by hurrying things up? What was the result?

Monday, September 29, 2014

Chapter 2: Questions

God Builds a Nation

You made it to week 2! (Right??) Yay! Welcome back!

Just like last week, feel free to post your answers to these questions, ESPECIALLY the "Digging Deeper" ones. Also, if you get a chance to do the "Personal Action," let us know how that went--was it hard to offer things up to God or not? 

1. Abraham left his homeland and family to follow God. What did God say his reward would be?

2. What might God be asking YOU to give up in order to follow him?

3. What made Abraham righteous in God's sight? How is this fact relevant to your life?

4. Why did God ask Abraham to sacrifice his son Isaac? What did Abraham--and Isaac--learn from this experience?

5. Because Jacob had shrewdly acquired Esau's birthright and stolen their father's blessing, Jacob feared his brother's revenge. How did Jacob prepare for his meeting with Esau?

6. What attitude did Jacob have when he wrestled with the "man" who Jacob eventually realized was actually God?

Many of the people God called to follow him had GREAT excuses or reasons why they weren't the right person for the job. What are some common excuses we use today?

Abraham and Sarah chose to follow God by faith and trust that he would build a nation through him--and he did. What step of faith is God calling you to take now ... but YOU are hemming and hawing and putting it off? What can you do to take a trust-filled step and move forward?

Abraham took what was most precious to him--his son, Isaac--and surrendered him to God. Make a list of five to ten things that mean a great deal to you. One by one, offer them to God. If it's a person, offer him or her to God; if it's a thing, let God know he can have it; if it's a talent or ability, tell God you will use it for him. Take everything and everyone that means the most to you and freely offer it back to the One who gave you everything you have in the first place.

This is a safe place to be able to share questions and fears and doubts. You can post using your name or not, whichever you prefer. If you choose to respond to someone's comment, please be gentle with your words.  

Sunday, September 28, 2014

SERMON: Chapter 1 (Allison)

Imagine a beautiful place. But not just any beautiful place … imagine the MOST beautiful place on
earth. Maybe it’s the most beautiful place you've ever been. Or maybe it’s a beautiful place that’s on your bucket list to visit one day.

Maybe the beauty of this place isn't so much about what it looks like physically but maybe it’s more about how it makes you feel when you’re there: calm, peaceful, content, rested, full of energy, happy.

Take a moment and imagine this beautiful place—the one place where, if you were able, you would stay forever.  

If you wouldn't mind sharing your answer with the rest of us, where do YOU think is the most beautiful place? And why?

(wait for answers)

Imagine what it would be like if you actually COULD stay in that place forever on one condition. You could stay in this beautiful place FOREVER and EVER … if you only could do this one thin. And that one thing is … to resist your greatest temptation.
Would you be able to resist your greatest temptation in order to stay in the most beautiful place in the world?