The Faith of a Foreign Woman
As always, feel free to answer questions in the comments (especially the "Digging Deeper" ones) and share any thoughts you might have about the "Personal Action." Or, let us know if YOU have a question!
1. What does Ruth's story reveal about the love of God?
2. What does Ruth's story reveal about how God views all people groups? What does that mean for you?
3. Both Ruth and Naomi suffered tremendous loss. Why does a good and gracious God allow tragedy to come upon those who love him?
4. When difficult times come, what causes you to continue to hope in God?
5. Ruth left her home to follow Naomi and to follow God. How is God asking you to follow him?
6. In what ways do Ruth's actions and responses challenge you? Encourage you?
7. What steps can you take to become a more selfless, loving person?
Naomi was a woman of faith BUT she also questioned God and was deeply honest about her struggles (Ruth 1:19-21; "The Story" p 122). In what was did Naomi's losses impact how she viewed God and his work in her life? When was the last time you were honest with God about your pain and hurt? What happened? As you look back on it now, have you learned anything about God's presence and faithfulness?
Boaz was a man of amazing character and wisdom (Ruth 2-3, "The Story" p 123-126). What can we learn from Boaz's interactions with his workers? with Ruth?
When you think of how Naomi's life went from Mara (bitter) to Naomi (beautiful), what were the ways God extended grace to this faithful woman? Who needs YOU to come alongside of them to remind them that they are loved (or beautiful) and what is one action you can take this week to extend God's grace to this person?
Be a Boaz! He showed compassion to a person in need. Think through this coming week and identify one or two acts of compassion and generosity you can extend to a person who is hurting, marginalized, and in need.
This is a safe place to be able to share questions and fears and doubts. You can post using your name or not, whichever you prefer. And if you choose to respond to someone's comment, please be gentle with your words.
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