We tend to agree.
What good is it just to sit, turning page after page of "The Story" if there is not some intentional time set aside for thinking about, chewing on, marinating in the words on the page? What good is it to read and not reflect on the reading?
Once a week, we'll be posting "Chapter __: Reflections," usually short little pieces based on something from the chapter of the week. Perhaps it will be a story we never noticed before, or a connection we never made before, or a huge revelation we may be a bit embarrassed to admit we never saw before.
Often times, these reflections will be springboards into the upcoming week's sermon. It would be super-duper helpful to us for you to add your input to our reflections. If we ask a question, don't be afraid to answer. If we say something you disagree with, don't hesitate to tell us, while speaking the truth in LOVE, of course! ;-) If it feels like we're talking directly to you, give thanks for the Holy Spirit and let us know!
These "Reflections" are meant to help you live into the words on the page, to help what you read once a week (or maybe once a day??) to seep into the way you live your life.
We want the 30 minutes you spend reading "The Story" to profoundly influence the other 1410 minutes of your day. (Yes, I googled that.)
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