Monday, August 25, 2014

"The Story" for Tweens and Teens

You've heard us say that there are lots of options when it comes to reading "The Story." (Like here, for example!) Every group in the church has its own way to read it.

And here's another way "The Story" is for tweens and teens (besides the teen version of the book)--we're doing a Confirmation Class using it!

The last Sunday of each month, youth from the Frankfort Church and the Paris Church will meet together to talk about a chapter from "The Story," munch on snacks, ponder what it means to be a member of a church, and explore how our individual stories fit into God's great, big story.

September 2014-May 2015 we'll meet, then God's kingdom will get a little bigger as the youth join the church on Pentecost, May 24.

Check out this video for a look at some of the curriculum we'll be using:

(Awesome, right??)

And here's our schedule for the year:
(Click on it to make it bigger!) 

Click HERE to print out a copy of the schedule to put up on your fridge! 

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